Tackling Common Environmental ConcernsTackling Common Environmental Concerns

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Tackling Common Environmental Concerns

A few years ago, I realized that there were some serious problems with the way that my family handled trash. We threw away most things without a second thought, and it was obvious that our children had no concept of pollution or how our actions could affect the environment. To make things better, my wife and I decided that it would be smart to start talking to our kids about energy and environmental concerns. We worked hard to develop a system at home that addressed these issues. Our blog is all about tackling common environmental issues, such as littering and preventing excess waste.


Go Green! 5 Steps You Can Take To Have An Environmentally-Friendly Yard

When it comes to creating an environmentally-friendly living space, it's easy to forget about the extended space outdoors. If you're in the process of designing an eco-friendly home, don't forget about your yard. There are so many ways to help the environment through the landscaping choices you make. Here are five steps you can take to create an environmentally-friendly yard.

Think Synthetic

If you love the idea of a lush lawn, but you hate the idea of wasting water – or the lengthy maintenance it will require – it's time to think on a more synthetic level. Synthetic lawn, that is. Synthetic turf, looks just like natural turf. However, it doesn't require watering, or fertilizing. You'll have the beautiful lawn you want, without the wasted water and endless hours of lawn care.

Go Small

If you still can't get behind synthetic lawn, you don't have to give up on the green. When designing your yard, incorporate smaller areas of lawn with larger expanses of other types of natural ground covering, such as rock, sand, and mulch.

Choose Region-Specific Plants

When it comes to designing an environmentally-friendly yard, you want to stay away from plants that aren't specific to your region. Choosing plants that can't thrive under certain weather conditions, such as extreme heat or cold – will create a situation where you're constantly replacing plants that have died. To keep your yard beautiful, and prevent plant damage, choose plants that are specific to your region. Ask your landscaper about plants that will work well in your climate.

Plant Trees

When designing a yard that's eco-friendly, don't forget about the trees, especially large shade trees. Not only will trees provide your yard with plenty of shade, they'll also help clean the air you breathe, and reduce your energy bills in the summer. For best results, plant at least one shade tree on the eastern-facing side of your yard. This will shield your home from the summer heat.

Avoid Treated Wood

If you're going to be building wood decks, fences, or play equipment in your yard, avoid using treated wood. Most treated wood contains chemicals that are bad for the environment, and you. To protect your family, and the environment, talk to your landscaper about choosing only earth-friendly wood for your landscape designs.

If you're planning a environmentally-friendly home, take it outside. The information provided here will help you design a yard that's safe for the environment. Consult with a landscape designer, like one from Joshua Tree & Landscape Co, about other steps you can take to achieve an environmentally-friendly yard.