Tackling Common Environmental ConcernsTackling Common Environmental Concerns

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Tackling Common Environmental Concerns

A few years ago, I realized that there were some serious problems with the way that my family handled trash. We threw away most things without a second thought, and it was obvious that our children had no concept of pollution or how our actions could affect the environment. To make things better, my wife and I decided that it would be smart to start talking to our kids about energy and environmental concerns. We worked hard to develop a system at home that addressed these issues. Our blog is all about tackling common environmental issues, such as littering and preventing excess waste.


Sewage Grinder Pumps: An Introduction For Unfamiliar Homeowners

When you move to a new home, it takes some time to get adjusted to all of the inner working components that are a part of that home, especially when it comes to the plumbing. While most homeowners are somewhat familiar with septic tanks and septic systems, one septic component which has a lot of homeowners in the dark is a sewage grinder pump. If you move to a new residence and find out your septic system includes a grinder pump, it is likely there will be things you want to know. Here are a few common questions about grinder pumps in sewage applications and the answers you need to know as a homeowner. 

What exactly is a sewage grinder pump?

A sewage grinder pump is essentially just what it sounds to be. The pump is fixed at a stationary place either in the sewage drain lines or in a sewage reservoir tank. When the wastewater gets to a specific level, the grinder pump kicks on and effectively grinds the wastewater to compact it and then pushes the material through the lines on  its way to a public sewer system. 

Why is it only some properties need a grinder pump?

Not every property really needs a grinder pump. For example, on a property that uses a septic tank and system, the waste basically breaks its self down and the overflowing moisture gets distributed to a drainage field. Homes connected to a public sewer system, however, often require a grinder pump to effectively push the waste from the drain lines on the property to the public system. This is especially true on properties that may lie at a lower elevation than the sewer system. 

How do you prevent damage to your grinder pump?

The grinder pump usually has a pretty lengthy lifespan, but if something goes wrong with this equipment, you will be responsible for repairs and maintenance. In general, there are a few things you can avoid doing in your day-to-day life to avoid future issues with your pump. For example, You should:

  • avoid flushing heavy paper products, such as diapers or feminine products
  • never dispose of chemicals down your drains or toilet
  • make use of a grease trap to eliminate grease going down sink drains

In the end, being responsible for a sewage grinding pump on your property is not that big of a deal with a few pointers. If you would like to know more about your sewage grinder pump, contact a company like Fernco Pump Service .